PhotoScore/AudioScore/NotateMe Ultimate Bundle

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SKU: 1350-1004
Regular price €409,75 EUR inc. VAT



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The ultimate bundle of PhotoScore, AudioScore, and NotateMe allows you to effortlessly play and edit scanned sheet music and PDFs. With the help of a stylus or mouse, you can quickly and accurately write music notation. The bundle also offers powerful tools to assist you in transcribing MP3s and CD tracks.

Key Features:

PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate

  • Most Accurate - More than 26 years experience in recognition technologies have enabled us to design and create the formidable OmniScore²™ dual-engine recognition system, incredibly making PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate over 99.5% accurate on most PDFs and originals!
  • Most Versatile - PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate picks out virtually every detail and even recognizes 4 and 6 line guitar tablature, 1, 2 and 3 line percussion staves. Send music directly to Sibelius, or save MusicXML for importing into Finale, Dorico and other editors.
  • Easiest to Use - Ease-of-use has been a central design aim right from the start, and with automatic scanning and recognition, plus licensed Sibelius-style editing interfaces, PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate even becomes fun and exciting to use!

AudioScore Ultimate

Mic-to-Score™ Automatic Notation

  • Create musical scores by singing or playing  into your computer using only a microphone - no prior musical knowledge required!
  • AudioScore Ultimate gives instant graphical feedback about the pitch of a performance over time, so it is possible to see exactly where mistakes are being made allowing improvement whilst performing. Train to sing and play perfectly in tune and immediately see the improvements on screen. What’s more, unless you really need it, the built-in metronome is not required.    

MIDI File-to-Score Converter

  • Open MIDI files in AudioScore Ultimate to automatically create high quality printable scores.

Quickly Create Scores by Hand -

  • Even if you cannot read or play music
  • AudioScore Ultimate offers the novel concept of 'serving' you a set of notes already input which you can then quickly split, join, resize, and adjust the pitch of, purely on a performance level - no worrying about rests and technicalities such as the key signature, accidentals, augmentation dots, beaming, ties etc.

MIDI-to-Score™ Automatic Notation

  • AudioScore Ultimate also allows a MIDI input device (such as a keyboard) to be used for the creation of musical scores. (Windows version only)

System Requirements:

PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate


  • An IBM compatible Pentium III (or equivalent AMD processor) or higher PC with Windows 7/8/10. At least 512MB is recommended.
  • Your computer should also have a reasonable amount of free hard disk space - at least 40MB and preferably rather more.
  • Adobe Reader 6.0 or later should be installed to view PhotoScore’s PDF help.
  • Sibelius users note: Although PhotoScore will work with Sibelius version 3 and higher, It is recommended that you use Sibelius 5.0 or higher (Sibelius 2018 for the best results) as it has greatly improved PhotoScore importing capabilities.
  • A scanner (probably connected to your computer via a USB, Printer or SCSI port), and installed TWAIN or WIA driver software.
  • Recommended for NotateMe: Touch screen or tablet with stylus (e.g. Microsoft Surface Pro). Windows 8.1 if using touchscreen/stylus.


  •  macOS® Versions
  • To use PhotoScore & NotateMe 2020 for macOS your system requires the following hardware:
  • An Apple Macintosh Intel with Mac OS X 10.12+. It should have at least 512MB RAM.
  • Your computer should also have a reasonable amount of free hard disk space - at least 40MB and preferably rather more.
  • Sibelius users note: Although PhotoScore will work with Sibelius version 3 and higher, It is recommended that you use Sibelius 5.0 or higher (Sibelius 7.0 for the best results) as it has greatly improved PhotoScore importing capabilities.
  • A scanner (probably connected to your computer via a USB, Printer or SCSI port), and installed macOS TWAIN driver software (it is highly recommended you visit your scanner manufacturer’s website and download the latest version – also note that classic Mac OS TWAIN drivers will not work). You may need to contact your scanner manufacturer for information on installing a suitable TWAIN driver. If a macOS TWAIN driver is not available for your scanner, you will need to scan using separate software, save suitable TIFF files, and open these in PhotoScore.
  • Recommended for NotateMe: Touch screen or tablet with stylus.

AudioScore Ultimate


  • Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • Minimum: 2 Core 2.5GHz processor, 4 GB RAM.
  • Recommended: 4+ Core HT (Hyper-Threading) processor, 8+ GB RAM.
  • Your computer should also have a reasonable amount of free hard disk space - at least 200MB and preferably rather more
  • (Optional) A microphone connected to your computer's microphone socket
  • (Optional) A MIDI device (e.g. a MIDI keyboard) connected to your computer's MIDI or USB port


  • macOS® Versions
  • To use AudioScore for macOS your system requires the following hardware:
  • macOS 10.12+ 64-bit
  • Minimum: 2 Core 2.5GHz processor, 4 GB RAM.
  • Recommended: 4+ Core HT (Hyper-Threading) processor, 8+ GB RAM.
  • Your computer should also have a reasonable amount of free hard disk space - at least 200MB and preferably rather more
  • (Optional) A microphone connected to your computer's microphone socket